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  Officers and Directors

  Executive Directors

                                         Cerys Foley/ Robert Spencer   - Acting Chairpersons

                                                                                              - Vice Chair

                                         Robert Spencer                         - Treasurer

                                         Cerys Foley                                - Company Secretary/Booking Secretary



                                         Wendy Short          Julie Spencer           Jim Short


Events Committee

                                      Julie McGuire          Wendy Short           Cerys Foley    


Executive Summary

The Executive Directors wish to both thank and congratulate the members, volunteers and supporters of the Beaufort Hill Welfare Community Hall for their continued support of this valuable community resource.  Without their support, none of the improvements and events realised in the past twelve months would have been achieved. The grants and donations have enable the further improvement and development and consolidated the future of the Hall as a hub for community activities and learning.

Our heartfelt thanks is extended to past Directors for all they did and their hard work in helping to obtain a 25 year lease on the Hall and thus maintain the existence of the Hall as a viable not for profit company.


Become a volunteer ?

The Beaufort Hill Welfare Community Hall and Garden is a non profit making organisation set up to ensure the long term future of the Hall for use by the community

It is run and maintained by volunteers and we are looking for people who can give a couple of hours of their time a month to help us

If you think you would like to help with such tasks as cleaning, decorating, gardening, general

maintenance or functions, then please ring 07498697846, or download the Volunteers Application form


Business Plan

Beaufort Hill Welfare Community Hall Ltd (The Company) is a Company Limited by Guarantee and registered in England and Wales (Co Reg No 9341536).

It is fully Incorporated and constituted and its Constitution and Memorandum & Articles of Association are available to view at the Company’s registered office.

The formation of the Company came about when local residents joined together to form a group to ensure that the Welfare Community Hall, which was due to be closed by Blaenau Gwent CBC on 30th September, could remain open for the benefit of the community.

It was resolved at the first meeting of the residents that a Community Asset Transfer C.A.T.) application be made to the Council, requesting a long term lease be awarded to them in order to secure the future of a community facility that has been at the centre of Beaufort Hill both physically and socially since 1935.

The formation of Beaufort Hill Welfare Community Hall Ltd and the election of officers and members to manage this project followed immediately.

Assistance was sought from the Council, GAVO and Communities 1st to see through the C.A.T. application.

Since the formation of the Group and the Company, Blaenau Gwent CBC have fully assessed and considered the first year of business and have agreed to a 25 year lease.


Beaufort Hill Welfare Community Hall (The Hall)  continues to provide facilities for all persons of all ages within the area and confirms the capability of Beaufort Hill Welfare Community Hall Ltd (The Company) to manage this development project into  a sustainable venture.


The Mission of the Company is to provide and manage a community centre to promote and organise co-operation between local inhabitants, voluntary and community organisations, statutory bodies and other agencies in the achievement of these purposes.


The Vision of The Company is to increase the usage of The Hall so that it is self sustainable and that every person in Beaufort can access community activities.


The Values of the Company are :

• That we will treat people with dignity and respect, regardless of race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, disability or age. At all times people’s feelings will be    valued and respected.

• We will value the contribution made by volunteers, staff, officers, members, statutory and other community partners.

• We will use their time and resources responsibly and efficiently

• We value the trust invested in us by Blaenau Gwent CBC and will sustain that trust by operating in an open and responsible manner.


The Aims of The Company, through a process of self-review, discussion with statutory bodies, local organisation and residents have been identified as vital to our pursuit of our Mission, Vision and Values. They will :


• Increase the range of activities, services and learning opportunities in Beaufort

• Enable local people to actively engage in community life

• Improve access for local people to the services and amenities they need

• Create a cohesive community within Beaufort Hill

• Develop a financially sustainable business that will remain active in the community for many generations.


The Company will allow for these aims to be achieved through :


• Providing a communal area and events where the Community can come together

• Providing opportunities for volunteering

• Encouraging and supporting clubs, groups and individuals to provide activities, services and learning opportunities

• Generating the necessary income to run and maintain The Hall


The BHWCH committee therefore aims to promote, improve and enhance the facilities and activities within the Beaufort Hill Welfare Community Hall on behalf of the surrounding communities. The main ethos of the committee is to reduce feelings of social exclusion by providing opportunities for social and recreational activities and by fostering well-being and social cohesion through community events, activities and celebrations. The committee will also seek to encourage a greater level of community involvement and usage of Beaufort Hill Welfare Community Hall and consider the amount of volunteer involvement as important both for the project and for the individuals involved.


BHWCH committee has undertaken a significant amount of community consultation which has determined what could be improved with the current facility and what additional facilities and services people would like to see in the building. The Welfare Hall currently has 2 large halls, small kitchen and meeting room, toilets and changing facilities available for hire to community and agencies. The involvement of local children in this consultation process also encouraged them to take pride

in their community and hopefully to take “ownership” of the facilities in the future.  Community involvement in the early stages of planning and development will help to lessen anti-social behaviour in the community and will result in a greatly increased use of Beaufort Hill Welfare Community Hall.


In February 2017, Beaufort Hill Welfare Community Hall Group signed a 25-year lease on the Beaufort Hill Welfare Community Hall with Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council for a peppercorn rent. This will enable the most cost-effective planning, prioritisation and decision making regarding further improvements and development for the BHWCH beyond that already achieved.



Upper Floor Improvements

Front Door and Frames

Internal Fire doors

Kitchen units, cooker, sink unit and fridge

Kitchen Flooring

Replacement of external fire doors

Creche toilets installed

Disabled toilets installed

Complete revamp of stage area including new ceiling, electrically operated curtains and audio equipment and lighting

Under stage wheeled carriages

Renewal of front canopy

Purchase of Exitmaster evacuation chair

Renewal and repair of CCTV

Renewal of intruder alarm system

Replacement of roof crests and slates

Replacement of tables and storage

New central heating installed in 2018

New foyer floor completed

Funding from Coalfields Regeneration obtained

Main hall redecorated


Lower Floor Improvements

High steel security gates installed to rear entrance

Replacement hinges and repairs to rear entrance gate

Renewal of guttering and downpipes

Installation of PIR floodlight and motion sensors

Electronic door lock to rear doors

Purchase of carpet and fitting to rear entrance

Installation of door to secure upper floor from lower floor

New blinds installed


 Our Plans and goals for the next 12 months

Improve lower floor areas including side rooms

Continue building on current usage and hire

Ongoing improvements, replacement and remedial maintenance

Renew central heating system

Ongoing applications for grants and funding

Renewal of flooring in main entrance and waiting area

Replace lift, improve disabled access and facilities for lower ground floor

Upgrade of old changing room to create counselling/therapy room






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