First Newsletter October 2016
First Newsletter October 2016

Beaufort Hill Miners Welfare Hall

News & Events 2022

March - Donations to Ukraine

March 4th
Massive thanks to Can Aderyn Singers who have donated massively to the humanitarian donations to Ukraine. Well done ladies and thank you
March 10th
We would like to extend a big thank you to Tania Price and the staff and pupils at Beaufort Hill Primary School for their support. Well done

March 10th
It’s on its way PME UK Ltd. Michael Haskell

March 8th
To all you wonderful people and businesses who donated so generously and the volunteers who gave their time so freely to help sorting, packing and driving.
More of your donations on the way to Poland and then into Ukraine. Thank you to Julian Edwards for facilitating the delivery and Michael Haskell and Amelia Haskell for providing the transport
Julian Edwards
Thanks for being part of this amazing response.
£24950.00 of aid collected , packed and shipped in 72 hours.
March 31st
Last of BHMWH Ukraine donations on the way. Well done everyone
- Julie Spencer, Rob Spencer

11th JUNE
An amazing evening with two of Beaufort’s own, Beaufort Male Choir and Beaufort Hill Primary School Choir. Thank you all. Truly superb.

22nd JUNE
Thank you to Cân Aderyn Singers for entertaining us all this evening with a wide repertoire of beautiful singing and raising a massive £736 for your community hall from ticket sales and raffle tickets. They really did ‘Sing, Laugh Love’
If you weren’t there you missed a treat! Never mind … there’s always next time